The lighting ceremony at SSID 2019 was graced by His Excellency Mr Lim Thuan Kuan, High Commissioner of the Repbublic of Singapore to India, Shri Arun Goel, Secretary, MInistry of Culture in India, Shri Imnatiba, Minister of Nagaland, Mr Lee Suan Hiang, Chairman of Global Cultural Alliance (Singapore) and Ms Jennie Chua, Chairman of The RICE Company Ltd (Singapore).
Highlights of the Opening Ceremony included a rousing collaborative music performance titled “AJANA” by musicians from Singapore and India. From left: Lee Ein Ein on the keyboard (Singapore), Mohit Raj on the tabla (India), Riduan Zalani on the Malay percussion (Singapore), Pt. Sunil Saxena on the sitar (India) and Music Director Tan Qing Lun on the Chinese flute, also known as the Dizi (Singapore).
Moderated by Mr Phan Ming Yen, Chief Executive Officer of Global Cultural Alliance (3rd from left), the morning’s programme ended with an inspiring panel discussion Everything is connected: Bridging Borders and Building Communities in a 21st Singapore-India Relationship’ with well-known hotelier Mr Maneesh Baheti from India, Deputy Principal of Temasek Polytechnic Ms Anita Kuan from Singapore, landscape artist Ann Teo from Singapore and founder of Asian Confluence, Mr Sabyasachi Dutta from India.