
Event Reports

Ethno-Botanical Practices and Conservation of Endangered Plants in the North East: A Discussion

Ethno-Botanical Practices and Conservation of Endangered Plants in the North East: A Discussion

The North-Eastern region of India is home to almost 50% of the flowering plants recorded from India and exhibits a phenomenal diversity. The region is also home to many wild variants of the current day cultivated plants like those belonging to the banana, orchid, citrus, and ginger families to name a few. The region is also home to more than 250 tribes of different ethnic groups speaking over 200 dialects while following distinct cultural and ethnic practices. Agriculture is the main occupation of this region and the different tribes follow various indigenous and traditional practices while tilling their lands. There exists a rich and unique coffer of unique and traditional means of agricultural practices making this area a paradise for ethnobotanists and anthropologists.