Asian Confluence launched the ASCON conversations, a series of conversations with senior policymakers several senior academics, and practitioners. Chairman of NITI Aayog, Dr. Rajiv Kumar also shared his views on this series. To encourage discourse on rivers and how they sustain ecologies and civilisations, Asian Confluence launched NADI conversations, as part of our NADI (river) initiative. The inaugural address was given by HE Mr. Md. Shahriar Alam, M.P. Hon'ble State Minister for Foreign Affairs, Bangladesh. Asian Confluence reached out to over 250 women entrepreneurs in Northeastern India providing a platform for them to expand on their business ideas under the AWE Idea Challenge in collaboration with the US Consulate Kolkata. Other grassroots outreach initiatives were launched with riverine communities in Meghalaya. Webinars saw participation from top academicians, policymakers and practitioners who engaged in useful and important dialogues of international, national and regional importance. Asian Confluence launched the first "Brahmaputra- Ayeyarwady Dialogue: India Myanmar Cooperation for Prosperous Border Zone" to discuss connectivity projects underway between India and Myanmar and bring together a renewed narrative of cooperation post-COVID era. Key Publications on crucial issues such as food security and oral history of Northeast India have been published.